#!/usr/bin/env sh # Script to create certificate to qiniu.com # # This deployment required following variables # export QINIU_AK="QINIUACCESSKEY" # export QINIU_SK="QINIUSECRETKEY" QINIU_API_BASE="https://api.qiniu.com" qiniu_deploy() { _cdomain="$1" _ckey="$2" _ccert="$3" _cca="$4" _cfullchain="$5" _debug _cdomain "$_cdomain" _debug _ckey "$_ckey" _debug _ccert "$_ccert" _debug _cca "$_cca" _debug _cfullchain "$_cfullchain" if [ -z "$QINIU_AK" ]; then if [ -z "$Le_Deploy_Qiniu_AK" ]; then _err "QINIU_AK is not defined." return 1 fi else Le_Deploy_Qiniu_AK="$QINIU_AK" _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_Qiniu_AK "$Le_Deploy_Qiniu_AK" fi if [ -z "$QINIU_SK" ]; then if [ -z "$Le_Deploy_Qiniu_SK" ]; then _err "QINIU_SK is not defined." return 1 fi else Le_Deploy_Qiniu_SK="$QINIU_SK" _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_Qiniu_SK "$Le_Deploy_Qiniu_SK" fi ## upload certificate string_fullchain=$(awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}' "$_cfullchain") string_key=$(awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}' "$_ckey") sslcert_path="/sslcert" sslcerl_body="{\"name\":\"$_cdomain\",\"common_name\":\"$_cdomain\",\"ca\":\"$string_fullchain\",\"pri\":\"$string_key\"}" sslcert_access_token="$(_make_sslcreate_access_token "$sslcert_path")" _debug sslcert_access_token "$sslcert_access_token" export _H1="Authorization: QBox $sslcert_access_token" sslcert_response=$(_post "$sslcerl_body" "$QINIU_API_BASE$sslcert_path" 0 "POST" "application/json" | _dbase64 "multiline") success_response="certID" if test "${sslcert_response#*$success_response}" == "$sslcert_response"; then _err "Error in creating certificate:" _err "$sslcert_response" return 1 fi _debug sslcert_response "$sslcert_response" _info "Certificate successfully uploaded, updating domain $_cdomain" ## extract certId _certId=$(printf "%s" "$sslcert_response" | sed -e "s/^.*certID\":\"//" -e "s/\"\}$//") _debug certId "$_certId" ## update domain ssl config update_path="/domain/$_cdomain/httpsconf" update_body="{\"certid\":\"$_certId\",\"forceHttps\":true}" update_access_token="$(_make_sslcreate_access_token "$update_path")" _debug update_access_token "$update_access_token" export _H1="Authorization: QBox $update_access_token" update_response=$(_post "$update_body" "$QINIU_API_BASE$update_path" 0 "PUT" "application/json" | _dbase64 "multiline") err_response="error" if test "${update_response#*$err_response}" != "$update_response"; then _err "Error in updating domain httpsconf:" _err "$update_response" return 1 fi _debug update_response "$update_response" _info "Certificate successfully deployed" return 0 } _make_sslcreate_access_token() { _token="$(printf "%s\\n" "$1" | _hmac "sha1" "$(printf "%s" "$Le_Deploy_Qiniu_SK" | _hex_dump | tr -d " ")" | _base64)" echo "$Le_Deploy_Qiniu_AK:$_token" }