'use strict'; const log = require('winston'); const config = require('config'); const nodemailer = require('nodemailer'); const Email = require('../../src/email/email'); const Mongo = require('../../src/dao/mongo'); const PGP = require('../../src/service/pgp'); const PublicKey = require('../../src/service/public-key'); describe('Public Key Integration Tests', function() { this.timeout(20000); let sandbox; let publicKey; let email; let mongo; let pgp; let sendEmailStub; let publicKeyArmored; let publicKeyArmored2; let mailsSent; const DB_TYPE = 'publickey'; const primaryEmail = 'test1@example.com'; const primaryEmail2 = 'test2@example.com'; const origin = {host: 'localhost', protocol: 'http'}; before(async () => { publicKeyArmored = require('fs').readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../key3.asc`, 'utf8'); publicKeyArmored2 = require('fs').readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../key4.asc`, 'utf8'); sinon.stub(log, 'info'); mongo = new Mongo(); await mongo.init(config.mongo); }); beforeEach(async () => { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); await mongo.clear(DB_TYPE); mailsSent = []; sendEmailStub = sinon.stub().returns(Promise.resolve({response: '250'})); sendEmailStub.withArgs(sinon.match(recipient => { mailsSent[mailsSent.length] = {to: recipient.to.address}; return true; }), sinon.match(params => { mailsSent[mailsSent.length - 1].params = params; expect(params.nonce).to.exist; expect(params.keyId).to.exist; return true; })); sandbox.stub(nodemailer, 'createTransport').returns({ templateSender: () => sendEmailStub }); email = new Email(nodemailer); email.init({ host: 'localhost', auth: {user: 'user', pass: 'pass'}, sender: {name: 'Foo Bar', email: 'foo@bar.com'} }); pgp = new PGP(); publicKey = new PublicKey(pgp, mongo, email); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); after(async () => { await mongo.clear(DB_TYPE); await mongo.disconnect(); log.info.restore(); }); describe('put', () => { it('should persist key and send verification email with primaryEmail', async () => { await publicKey.put({publicKeyArmored, primaryEmail, origin}); expect(mailsSent.length).to.equal(1); expect(mailsSent[0].to).to.equal(primaryEmail); expect(mailsSent[0].params.keyId).to.exist; expect(mailsSent[0].params.nonce).to.exist; }); it('should persist key and send verification email without primaryEmail', async () => { await publicKey.put({publicKeyArmored, origin}); expect(mailsSent.length).to.equal(4); }); it('should work twice if not yet verified', async () => { await publicKey.put({publicKeyArmored, primaryEmail, origin}); expect(mailsSent.length).to.equal(1); await publicKey.put({publicKeyArmored, primaryEmail, origin}); expect(mailsSent.length).to.equal(2); }); it('should throw 304 if key already exists', async () => { await publicKey.put({publicKeyArmored, primaryEmail, origin}); await publicKey.verify(mailsSent[0].params); try { await publicKey.put({publicKeyArmored, primaryEmail, origin}); expect(false).to.be.true; } catch (e) { expect(e.status).to.equal(304); } }); }); describe('_purgeOldUnverified', () => { let key; beforeEach(async () => { key = pgp.parseKey(publicKeyArmored); }); it('should work for no keys', async () => { const r = await publicKey._purgeOldUnverified(); expect(r.deletedCount).to.equal(0); }); it('should not remove a current unverified key', async () => { await publicKey._persisKey(key); const r = await publicKey._purgeOldUnverified(); expect(r.deletedCount).to.equal(0); }); it('should not remove a current verified key', async () => { key.userIds[0].verified = true; await publicKey._persisKey(key); const r = await publicKey._purgeOldUnverified(); expect(r.deletedCount).to.equal(0); }); it('should not remove an old verified key', async () => { key.uploaded.setDate(key.uploaded.getDate() - 31); key.userIds[0].verified = true; await publicKey._persisKey(key); const r = await publicKey._purgeOldUnverified(); expect(r.deletedCount).to.equal(0); }); it('should remove an old unverified key', async () => { key.uploaded.setDate(key.uploaded.getDate() - 31); await publicKey._persisKey(key); const r = await publicKey._purgeOldUnverified(); expect(r.deletedCount).to.equal(1); }); it('should remove an unverified key with no uploaded attribute', async () => { delete key.uploaded; await publicKey._persisKey(key); const r = await publicKey._purgeOldUnverified(); expect(r.deletedCount).to.equal(1); }); it('should not remove a verified key with no uploaded attribute', async () => { key.userIds[0].verified = true; delete key.uploaded; await publicKey._persisKey(key); const r = await publicKey._purgeOldUnverified(); expect(r.deletedCount).to.equal(0); }); }); describe('verify', () => { it('should update the document', async () => { await publicKey.put({publicKeyArmored, primaryEmail, origin}); const emailParams = mailsSent[0].params; await publicKey.verify(emailParams); const gotten = await mongo.get({keyId: emailParams.keyId}, DB_TYPE); expect(gotten.userIds[0].verified).to.be.true; expect(gotten.userIds[0].nonce).to.be.null; expect(gotten.userIds[1].verified).to.be.false; expect(gotten.userIds[1].nonce).to.exist; }); it('should not find the document', async () => { await publicKey.put({publicKeyArmored, primaryEmail, origin}); const emailParams = mailsSent[0].params; try { await publicKey.verify({keyId: emailParams.keyId, nonce: 'fake_nonce'}); expect(true).to.be.false; } catch (e) { expect(e.status).to.equal(404); } const gotten = await mongo.get({keyId: emailParams.keyId}, DB_TYPE); expect(gotten.userIds[0].verified).to.be.false; expect(gotten.userIds[0].nonce).to.equal(emailParams.nonce); expect(gotten.userIds[1].verified).to.be.false; expect(gotten.userIds[1].nonce).to.exist; }); it('should not verify a second key for already verified user id of another key', async () => { await publicKey.put({publicKeyArmored, primaryEmail: primaryEmail2, origin}); expect(mailsSent.length).to.equal(1); await publicKey.put({publicKeyArmored: publicKeyArmored2, primaryEmail: primaryEmail2, origin}); expect(mailsSent.length).to.equal(2); await publicKey.verify(mailsSent[1].params); try { await publicKey.verify(mailsSent[0].params); expect(true).to.be.false; } catch (e) { expect(e.status).to.equal(304); } const gotten = await mongo.get({keyId: mailsSent[0].params.keyId}, DB_TYPE); expect(gotten.userIds[1].email).to.equal(primaryEmail2); expect(gotten.userIds[1].verified).to.be.false; expect(gotten.userIds[1].nonce).to.equal(mailsSent[0].params.nonce); }); it('should be able to verify multiple user ids', async () => { await publicKey.put({publicKeyArmored, origin}); expect(mailsSent.length).to.equal(4); await publicKey.verify(mailsSent[0].params); await publicKey.verify(mailsSent[1].params); await publicKey.verify(mailsSent[2].params); await publicKey.verify(mailsSent[3].params); const gotten = await mongo.get({keyId: mailsSent[0].params.keyId}, DB_TYPE); expect(gotten.userIds[0].verified).to.be.true; expect(gotten.userIds[1].verified).to.be.true; expect(gotten.userIds[2].verified).to.be.true; expect(gotten.userIds[3].verified).to.be.true; }); }); describe('getVerified', () => { let key; describe('should find a verified key', () => { beforeEach(async () => { key = pgp.parseKey(publicKeyArmored); await publicKey.put({publicKeyArmored, primaryEmail, origin}); await publicKey.verify(mailsSent[0].params); }); it('by fingerprint', async () => { const verified = await publicKey.getVerified({fingerprint: key.fingerprint}); expect(verified).to.exist; }); it('by all userIds', async () => { const verified = await publicKey.getVerified({userIds: key.userIds}); expect(verified).to.exist; }); it('by verified userId', async () => { const verified = await publicKey.getVerified({userIds: [key.userIds[0]]}); expect(verified).to.exist; }); it('by unverified userId', async () => { const verified = await publicKey.getVerified({userIds: [key.userIds[1]]}); expect(verified).to.not.exist; }); it('by keyId', async () => { const verified = await publicKey.getVerified({keyId: key.keyId}); expect(verified).to.exist; }); it('by all params', async () => { const verified = await publicKey.getVerified(key); expect(verified).to.exist; }); }); describe('should not find an unverified key', () => { beforeEach(async () => { key = pgp.parseKey(publicKeyArmored); key.userIds[0].verified = false; await mongo.create(key, DB_TYPE); }); it('by fingerprint', async () => { const verified = await publicKey.getVerified({fingerprint: key.fingerprint}); expect(verified).to.not.exist; }); it('by userIds', async () => { const verified = await publicKey.getVerified({userIds: key.userIds}); expect(verified).to.not.exist; }); it('by keyId', async () => { const verified = await publicKey.getVerified({keyId: key.keyId}); expect(verified).to.not.exist; }); it('by all params', async () => { const verified = await publicKey.getVerified(key); expect(verified).to.not.exist; }); }); }); describe('get', () => { let emailParams; beforeEach(async () => { await publicKey.put({publicKeyArmored, primaryEmail, origin}); emailParams = mailsSent[0].params; }); it('should return verified key by key id', async () => { await publicKey.verify(emailParams); const key = await publicKey.get({keyId: emailParams.keyId}); expect(key.publicKeyArmored).to.exist; }); it('should return verified key by key id (uppercase)', async () => { await publicKey.verify(emailParams); const key = await publicKey.get({keyId: emailParams.keyId.toUpperCase()}); expect(key.publicKeyArmored).to.exist; }); it('should return verified key by fingerprint', async () => { await publicKey.verify(emailParams); const fingerprint = pgp.parseKey(publicKeyArmored).fingerprint; const key = await publicKey.get({fingerprint}); expect(key.publicKeyArmored).to.exist; }); it('should return verified key by fingerprint (uppercase)', async () => { await publicKey.verify(emailParams); const fingerprint = pgp.parseKey(publicKeyArmored).fingerprint.toUpperCase(); const key = await publicKey.get({fingerprint}); expect(key.publicKeyArmored).to.exist; }); it('should return verified key by email address', async () => { await publicKey.verify(emailParams); const key = await publicKey.get({email: primaryEmail}); expect(key.publicKeyArmored).to.exist; }); it('should return verified key by email address (uppercase)', async () => { await publicKey.verify(emailParams); const key = await publicKey.get({email: primaryEmail.toUpperCase()}); expect(key.publicKeyArmored).to.exist; }); it('should throw 404 for unverified key', async () => { try { await publicKey.get({keyId: emailParams.keyId}); expect(false).to.be.true; } catch (e) { expect(e.status).to.equal(404); } }); }); describe('requestRemove', () => { let keyId; beforeEach(async () => { await publicKey.put({publicKeyArmored, primaryEmail, origin}); keyId = mailsSent[0].params.keyId; }); it('should work for verified key', async () => { await publicKey.verify(mailsSent[0].params); await publicKey.requestRemove({keyId, origin}); expect(mailsSent.length).to.equal(5); }); it('should work for unverified key', async () => { await publicKey.requestRemove({keyId, origin}); expect(mailsSent.length).to.equal(5); }); it('should work by email address', async () => { await publicKey.requestRemove({email: primaryEmail, origin}); expect(mailsSent.length).to.equal(2); }); it('should throw 404 for no key', async () => { await mongo.remove({keyId}, DB_TYPE); try { await publicKey.requestRemove({keyId, origin}); expect(false).to.be.true; } catch (e) { expect(e.status).to.equal(404); } }); }); describe('verifyRemove', () => { let keyId; beforeEach(async () => { await publicKey.put({publicKeyArmored, primaryEmail, origin}); keyId = mailsSent[0].params.keyId; await publicKey.requestRemove({keyId, origin}); }); it('should remove key', async () => { await publicKey.verifyRemove(mailsSent[1].params); const key = await mongo.get({keyId}, DB_TYPE); expect(key).to.not.exist; }); it('should throw 404 for no key', async () => { await mongo.remove({keyId}, DB_TYPE); try { await publicKey.verifyRemove(mailsSent[1].params); expect(false).to.be.true; } catch (e) { expect(e.status).to.equal(404); } }); }); });